Facilities Contact Information: (504) 816-8213 or fixit@nobts.edu
Hours of Operation: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm (Lunch break from 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm)
Emergency Contact AFTER HOURS - call Campus Police to report an emergency situation at (504) 944-7711 and they will contact Facilities.
Please use the link above to register a new account or to submit a Work Order to Facilities. Select the link, log in, then complete the form. When you SUBMIT the form, the request will go to NOTBS Facilities. Please note that for non-emergency work orders the Facilities department has 24-48 hours to respond and determine what is needed.
***For EMERGENCY requests - AC is broken, leaking water, gas smell, smoke or electrical smell - please call Facilities at (504) 816-8213 and we will send someone as soon as possible. After hours, please call Campus Police to report an emergency situation at (504) 944-7711 and they will contact Facilities.***
To Register your email to place a Work Order:
When Submitting a Work Request:
Please use the link below to access the Key Request form.
You will need to print the form, fill it out, sign it, and then email it to turnaround@nobts.edu.
Here are some videos and documents with tips and instructions that may be helpful.
How to put air in a vehicle tire (video)
Smoke Alarm battery replacement (pdf)